Pre-Pregnancy Care

Appointments are available for pre-pregnancy counselling and advice. Appointments are best made in advance of trying to fall pregnant. Optimizing your physical and psychological wellbeing is important in planning for a family.

Health considerations in advance of falling pregnant include ensuring that all vaccinations are up to date (whooping cough, rubella, chicken pox). It is recommended that a woman not fall pregnant for about 3 mths after vaccination so arranging this ahead of trying to conceive is important. Some viruses can cause abnormalities in developing fetuses or serious illnesses in newborns so vaccinating against specific viruses is essential.

Optimising diet and nutritional factors are also important. For some women whose dietary choices or medical conditions may result in certain vitamin deficiencies, these considerations can be addressed prior to conceiving to maximise the health and wellbeing of a developing child.

Certain pre-existing medical conditions may also need to be considered and issues around medical insurance may need to be addressed.

A pre-pregnancy appointment also allows couples to meet me and discuss issues around pregnancy care and birth. Communication is vital in establishing trusting and caring relationships and this starts before conception. It also provides an opportunity for couples to have a direct pathway to assistance should it prove difficult to conceive. Specific advice is also given to same sex couples hoping to start a family.

For couples hoping to become pregnant it is important to optimise the health and wellbeing of both partners to maximise fertility and plan for a healthy pregnancy and the best start to family life.
